Nine symbolizes a conscious spirit in the material world with an understanding of Universal oneness. It represents a doorway to a bigger view and deeper understanding of the dream we dream as spiritual beings in the human, egotistic world.

Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real that it wasn’t until you awoke that you knew all the experiences and feelings were a dream, even a nightmare? This year #9 will be an opportunity for awakening from the dream of the subconscious.

We transform ourselves as we release and forgive ourselves for mistakes and beliefs of separation from Source and each other.

Yet remember that we do not always welcome change even though we believe we do. And there are many of us that still slumber in the idea of duality and, “I’m right and you’re wrong.” So there may be high tensions and threats of world conflict because of self righteous desires for the world to be the way some want it to be.

This #9 year numerically indicates the end of another cycle according to the Gregorian calendar. It also indicates new beginnings, because we are turning the corner into a new cycle, and even a new era for humanity, as we facilitate dynamic change and transition.

We will have to endeavor to keep our emotions on an even keel, impersonal and impartial since they may be tested. Keen discrimination will be greatly beneficial during breakthrough periods aimed to test utopian ideals for the brotherhood of mankind.

This is a time of changes and transition in which release of the past can be the seeds for optimistic social change. We may be tempted to wallow in the past but this is self-indulgent and destructive. We have the opportunity to let go and rise above placing blame and resentment in order to lift our self and humanity as a whole.
Remember the ego does not want to forgive, release and change. It wants to survive, dominate, and resist in fear of change. Discipline and commitment are required to change eons of subconscious habit.

Liberation is not only possible but already in the process once you understand the Truth about the dream of the ego and what you really are.

Science of Being, the textbook, contains The Dream, which is a beautiful allegory of our mental fall from Unity with Spirit to the ego’s dream of separation, duality and back. It is especially uplifting when projected aloud for all humanity, especially at the new year.